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Presidential Primary Election Calendar

All section references are to the California Elections Code unless stated otherwise. Gov’t references the California Government Code; Ed. references the California Education Code.


January 1, 20161 
February 10, 2016
(E-158 – 118)

SIGNATURES-IN-LIEU OF FILING FEE PETITIONS (JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONLY): Dates between which all candidates for offices of the Superior Court may obtain from the Registrar of Voters’ office petitions for securing Signatures-In-Lieu of paying for all of, or any part of, the Filing Fee for an office. §§ 8061, 8105(b), 8106

Only registered voters who are qualified to vote for the candidate may sign the petition. No voter shall sign more petitions for candidates than there are offices to be filled.
§ 8106(b)

The Registrar of Voters’ office will issue petitions for obtaining the minimum number of Signatures-In-Lieu of paying the Filing Fee. If the candidate requires an additional quantity of petitions, the candidate may duplicate a blank petition to obtain the desired quantity. § 8106(b)

Signatures on Petitions In-Lieu of Filing Fee may be applied to and combined with the valid number of signatures on Nomination Papers to satisfy the signature requirement for the office. § 8061

The last day to file Signatures In-Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions for candidates for judicial offices of the Superior Court is February 10, 2016, 5:00 p.m. §8105(b) 

January 1, 20161 
March 11, 2016
(E-158 – 88)

DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY AND NOMINATION PAPERS -- CANDIDATE FILING FOR PARTY COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEMBER ONLY2: Nomination papers and Declaration of Candidacy forms for all offices may be obtained from and must be delivered for filing to the Registrar of Voters' office from January 1, 20161 through March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m. No person shall be considered a legally qualified candidate for any office unless that person has filed a Declaration of Candidacy or Statement of Write-in Candidacy with the elections official. §§ 333, 8020(b), 8040,8041,8062-8068, 8100

For party-nominated offices, the Registrar of Voters' staff will verify on the candidate's Declaration of Candidacy his/her party preference as disclosed upon his/her most recent registration affidavit. His/her name and Ballot Designation, if applicable, will be listed on that party's ballot.
§§ 8068, 8081

Signers of nomination papers for party-nominated offices shall be registered voters who disclosed a preference on their registration affidavits for the party in which the nomination is proposed. Signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on. § 8068

January 1, 20161 
February 25, 2016 
(E-158 – 103)

SIGNATURES IN LIEU OF FILING FEE PETITIONS (NOT JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT): Dates between which all candidates for offices of the Superior Court, may obtain from the Registrar of Voters’ office petitions for securing Signatures-In-Lieu of paying for all of, or any part of, the Filing Fee for an office. §§ 8061, 8105(b), 8106

Only registered voters who are qualified to vote for the candidate may sign the petition. No Voter shall sign more petitions for candidates than there are offices to be filled. 8106(b)(3)

Note: Member, County Central Committee and Member, Orange County Board of Education candidates do not pay a Filing Fee. Therefore, these candidates do not circulate Signatures-in-Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions.

For voter-nominated offices, signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on. Signers do not need to be affiliated with the same party as the candidate or have disclosed a preference for any party on their registration affidavits. For the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election, voter-nominated offices are Member of the United States Senate, Representative in Congress, Member of the State Senate, and Member of the State Assembly.
§ 8068

For nonpartisan offices, signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on. Signers do not need to be affiliated with the same party as the candidate or have disclosed a preference for any party on their registration affidavits. For the June 7, 2016 Presidential Election, nonpartisan offices are Member of the County Board of Supervisors, Judge of the Superior Court, and Member of the County Board of Education.

The Registrar of Voters’ office will issue petitions for obtaining the minimum number of Signatures-In-Lieu of paying the Filing Fee. If the candidate requires an additional quantity of petitions, the candidate may duplicate a blank petition to obtain the desired quantity. § 8106

Signatures on Petitions In-Lieu of Filing Fee may be applied to and combined with the valid number of signatures on Nomination Papers to satisfy the signature requirement for the office. § 8061

The last day to file Signatures In-Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions for all candidates, other than judicial offices of the Superior Court is February 25, 2016, 5:00 p.m. § 8106

January 1, 20161 
June 21, 2016 
(E-158 –E+14)

CANDIDATE INTENTION STATEMENT: Prior to the solicitation or receipt of any contribution or loan for a specific office, the individual must file a statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of his or her intention to be a candidate for the specific office. Candidates are not required to file a Candidate Intention Statement (Form 501) for the same office in the connected General Election after file a Form 501 for the Primary Election.
Gov't §§ 85200, 85400, 85401, 85600, 85601

January 11, 2016



GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION -ISSUANCE: By this date, the Governor shall issue a proclamation calling the Presidential Primary Election and shall state the time of the election and the offices to be filled and transmit a copy the proclamation to the Board of Supervisors of each county. The Secretary of State will send an informational copy of the proclamation to each county elected official. § 12000

January 28, 2016
through February 17, 2016

(E-131- 111)
(Date designated by Secretary of State)



CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT IN THE STATE VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE: Period in which United States Senate candidates may purchase space for a 250-word Candidate's Statement in the official State Voter Information Guide. Candidates for United States Senate may purchase space for a Candidate's Statement without accepting expenditure limits. § 9084(i)


January 29, 2016
March 26, 20165
(E-130 -- 73)





PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PAPERS--DEMOCRATIC PARTY:  Period in which the steering committee of each unselected presidential candidate or uncommitted delegation may obtain signatures to Nomination Papers.  Papers shall be left for examination with the county elections official of the county in which they are circulated. §§ 6061, 6082, 6101, 6108, 6122

The county elections official has five days from the receipt to verify and certify Nomination Papers and to forward them to the Secretary of State, who shall file them. § 6144



January 31, 20161
(Date fixed by law)
SEMI-ANNUAL CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS DUE: Last day to file semi-annual campaign disclosure statements, if required, for all candidates, organizations, committees, and slate mailers for the period ending December 31, 2015.
Gov't § 84200, 84218

February 1, 2016
through February 10, 2016

(E-127- 118)

DECLARATION OF INTENTION (JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONLY): Dates between which candidates for judicial offices of the Superior Court must file a Declaration of Intention to become a candidate for office.
§ 8023

EXCEPTION: If an incumbent fails to file a Declaration of Intention by February 10, 2016, 5:00 p.m. persons other than the incumbent have until February 15, 20161, 5:00 p.m. to file a Declaration of Intention. §§ 8022, 8023(b) 

The Filing Fee, or Signatures-in-Lieu of Filing Fee Petition, all or part, must be submitted at the time the Declaration of Intention is filed. The Filing Fee is non-refundable. This applies to all candidates who are required to file a Declaration of Intention. § 8105(b)

February 8, 2016 
March 9, 2016 
(E-120 – 90)

NOTICE OF ELECTION: The Registrar of Voters must publish once in a newspaper of general circulation the Notice of Election. The notice shall contain the date of the election; the offices for which candidates may file; the qualifications for each office; when and where nomination papers may be obtained. § 12112(a)

For County Board of Education candidates only: Appointment to this elective office will be made as prescribed by Education Code Section 5326 in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office and a petition for an election is not filed within the time period prescribed by Education Code Section 5326.

February 10, 2016 

SIGNATURES-IN-LIEU OF FILING FEE PETITIONS (JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONLY):: Last day for all candidates for judicial offices of the Superior Court to file Signatures-in-Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions. §§ 8061, 8105(b), 8106


February 11, 2016 
February 15, 20161 
(E-117 – 113)

EXTENDED FILING PERIOD FOR DECLARATION OF INTENTION (JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONLY) : Extension of period for persons other than the incumbent where the incumbent fails to file a Declaration of Intention by February 10, 2016, 5:00 p.m.  8023(b) 

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016 
(E-113 – 88)


DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY AND NOMINATION PAPERS -- (ALL OFFICES EXCEPT PARTY COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEES): Nomination Papers and Declaration of Candidacy forms for all offices, except party County Central Committees, may be obtained from and must be delivered for filing to the Registrar of Voters' office from February 15, 20161 through March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m. No person shall be considered a legally qualified candidate for any office unless that person has filed a Declaration of Candidacy or Statement of Write-in Candidacy with the elections official. §§ 333, 8020, 8040, 8041, 8061, 8062, 8063, 8064, 8100, 8105, 8106, 13107.3

IMPORTANT: The Declaration of Candidacy and Nomination period for a Member of a Party County Central Committee2 is January 1,  20161 through March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m.

EXCEPTION: If an incumbent, (see below regarding Judges of the Superior Court), fails to file Nomination Papers and a Declaration of Candidacy by March 11, 2016, the filing period is extended to March 16, 2016, 5:00 p.m. for all qualified persons other than the incumbent. However if the incumbents's failure to file nomination documents is because he/she has already served the maximum number of terms permitted by the California Constitution for that office, there shall be no extension of the period for filing the nomination documents.
§§ 8022, 8024

If an incumbent Judge of the Superior Court files a Declaration of Intention, but fails to qualify for the nomination by March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m. there is a 5-day extension allowed for all qualified persons other than the incumbent to file for such office, notwithstanding that he/she has not filed a written and signed Declaration of Intention to become a candidate for the office. § 8024

For party-nominated offices (President and Member of the Party County Central Committee), signers shall be registered voters who disclosed a preference on their registration affidavits for the party in which the nomination is proposed. Signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on.

For party-nominated offices (President and Member of the Party County Central Committee), Registrar of Voters' staff will verify on the candidates's Declaration of Candidacy his/her party preference as disclosed upon his/her most recent registration affidavit. His/her name and Ballot Designation, if applicable, will be listed on that party's ballot.

For voter-nominated offices, signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on. Signers do not need to be affiliated with the same party as the candidate or have disclosed a preference for any party on their registration affidavits. For the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election, voter-nominated offices are Member of the United States Senate, Representative in Congress, Member of the State Senate, and Member of the State Assembly.
§§ 8002(c), 8068

For nonpartisan offices, signers shall be registered voters in the district in which the candidate is to be voted on. Signers do not need to be affiliated with the same party as the candidate or have disclosed a preference for any party on their registration affidavits. For the June 7, 2016 Presidential Election, nonpartisan offices are Member of the County Board of Supervisors, Judge of the Superior Court, and Member of the Orange County Board of Education.

For voter-nominated offices, a candidate shall indicate his or her party preference, or lack of party preference, as disclosed upon the candidate's most recent registration affidavit, upon his or her Declaration of Candidacy. A candidate's party preference, or lack of party preference, shall appear on the Primary and General Elections' ballots in conjunction with his/her name. The candidate's designated pary preference on the ballot shall not be changed between the Primary and General Elections. §§ 8002.5, 13105

A candidate designating a party preference for a voter-nominated office shall not be deemed to be the official nominee of the party designated as preferred by the candidate. The party preference is shown for the information of the voters only. § 8002.5


February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016
(E-113 – 88)

CANDIDATE PARTY PREFERENCE HISTORY: Under the Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act (Proposition 14) which was approved by California voters in June of 2010, the Secretary of State is required to provide the political party preference history for the preceding 10 years for voter-nominated office candidates. A candidate for voter-nominated office is responsible for providing his/her party preference history on the Declaration of Candidacy filed by March 11, 2016§ 8121(b)

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016
(E-113 – 88)



FILING FEES: Filing Fees must be paid at the time the Nomination Papers are obtained from the Registrar of Voters. This fee is nonrefundable. (Candidates for judicial offices of the Superior Court pay the Filing Fee at the time of filing the Declaration of Intention to become a candidate.) Signatures appearing on a filed Petition in-Lieu of Filing Fee Petition contains the requisite number of valid signatures required for his/her Nomination Papers, the Registrar of Voters shall not require the candidate to circulate Nomination Papers. §§ 8061, 8105, 8106

Candidates for Member, County Central Committee and Member, Orange County Board of Education do not pay a Filing Fee.

Candidates who submit Signatures-in-Lieu of Filing Fee petitions that do not contain the requisite number of signatures for the Nomination Papers are still entitled to file Nomination Papers during the nomination period provided the Filing Fee has been paid. §§ 8061, 8106

February 15, 20161
March 11, 2016
(E-113 – 88)



STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS: Every candidate for an office specified in Government Code section 87200, other than a Justice of an Appellate or the Supreme Court, shall file no later than the final filing date for a Declaration of Candidacy, a statement disclosing his/her investments and his/her interests in real property and any income received during the immediately preceding 12 months. Such statement is not required if the candidate has filed, within 60 days prior to the filing of his/her Declaration of Candidacy, a statement for the same jurisdiction. Gov’t §§ 87200, 87201, 87202, 87203, 87500

February 15, 20161
March 11 2016
(E-113 – 88)

CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICES: Each candidate for a nonpartisan office may prepare a statement on a form provided by the Registrar of Voters’ office. The statement may contain no more than 200 words, unless the governing body of the local agency has authorized the statement to contain 400 words. The statement must be filed at the same time the Declaration of Candidacy is filed.

The statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the nomination period and until 5:00 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. If the nomination period is extended because an incumbent eligible for reelection failed to file a Declaration of Candidacy, a candidate filing during the extended filing period may file a Candidate’s Statement. The next working day after the close of the extended filing period for the office is the last day that a Candidate’s Statement may be withdrawn. A Candidate’s Statement may not be changed§ 13307

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016
(E-113 – 88)

CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES: All candidates for Congressional offices may prepare a Candidate’s Statement, not to exceed 250 words. The statement must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 88th day prior to the election, or in the event the nomination period has been extended, until 5:00 p.m. on the 83rd day prior to the election, whichever is applicable. All statements may be submitted on the form provided by the county elections official of each county in which the candidate wishes to have his/her statement printed. Costs of providing statements to voters shall be paid by the candidates. Congressional candidates do not need to voluntarily agree to expenditure limits to prepare a Candidate’s Statement. § 13307.5


February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016
(E-113 – 88)

CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR LEGISLATIVE OFFICES: Pursuant to Proposition 34 adopted by the voters in November of 2000, all candidates for State elective offices as specified in Government Code section 82053 who have voluntarily agreed to expenditure limits may prepare a 250-
word Candidate’s Statement. They must agree to the expenditure limits no later than March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Gov’t § 85601(c)

The statement must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 88th day prior to the election, or in the event the nomination period has been extended, until 5:00 p.m. on the 83rd day prior to the election, whichever is applicable. All statements may be submitted on the form provided by the county election official of each county in which the candidate wishes to have his/her statement printed. Costs of providing statements to voters shall be paid by the candidates.
Gov’t § 85601(c)

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016 
(E-113 – 88)

CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS MAY MAKE NO REFERENCE TO ANOTHER CANDIDATE: In addition to the restrictions set forth in Section 13307, a Candidate’s Statement for any office submitted pursuant to Section 13307 shall be limited to a recitation of the candidate’s own personal background and qualifications, and shall not in any way make reference to other candidates for that office or to another candidate’s qualifications, character, or activities.

The elections official shall not cause to be printed or circulated any statement that the elections official determines is not so limited or that includes any reference prohibited by this section. § 13308

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016 
(E-113 – 88)

ESTIMATED COST OF A CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT: The Registrar of Voters will estimate the total cost of printing and handling of the Candidates' Statements and will require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance his/her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his/her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. this amount must be paid when the Candidate's Statement is filed. If there is an underpayment, the candidate shall pay the balance of the cost incurred. Overpayments will be refunded within 30 days of the election. If a candidate's contest does not go on the ballot, the payment will be refunded. § 13307

February 15, 20161 
March 11, 2016 
(E-113 – 88)



CONFIDENTIALITY OF CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS: The Candidate's Statement is confidential until after the expiration of the filing period, March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m., or in the event that a contest's filing period is extended, March 16, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Copies of all Candidates' Statements will be available for public inspection at the Registrar of Voters' office and on its website for 10 days prior to being submitted for printing. §§ 13311, 13313

February 17, 2016
(Date designated by the Secretary of State)

CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS IN THE STATE VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE DEADLINE -- UNITED STATES SENATOR:  Last day United States Senator candidates may purchase space for a 250-word Candidate's Statement in the State Voter Information Guide and provide to the Secretary of State. § 9084(i)

February 24, 2016
March 25, 2016
(E-104 -- 74)

PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PAPERS -- REPUBLICAN, AMERICAN INDEPENDENT, GREEN, LIBERTARIAN, AND PEACE AND FREEDOM PARTIES: Period in which circulators may obtain signatures to the Nomination Papers and file them for examination with the county elections official for unselected presidential preference candidates for American Independent, Green, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom, and Republican parties; and groups of delegates for selected and unselected candidates and uncommitted delegations for American Independent, Libertarian, and Peace and Freedom parties. §§ 6343, 6360-6365, 6382, 6568, 6580, 6587, 6591, 6769-6791, 6854.56

The county elections official has five days from receipt to verify and certify Nomination Papers and to forward them to the Secretary of State, who shall file them. §§ 6404, 6597, 6796, 68596

February 25, 2016 

LAST DAY TO FILE SIGNATURES IN-LIEU OF FILING FEE PETITIONS (NOT JUDICIAL OFFICES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT): The last day for filing Signatures-In-Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions for candidates, other than those seeking nomination for judicial offices of the Superior Court, is February 25, 2016, 5:00 p.m.
§§ 8020(b), 8061, 8105, 8106(b)(3)

March 9, 2016 through June 6, 2016
(E-90 - 1)



LATE CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION REPORTING PERIOD: Contributions received of $1,000 or more per source must be reported within 24 hours during this periodDeadlines are extended to the next business day when they fall on a weekend or holiday, except for the weekend before an election. 
Gov't §§ 82036, 84203, 85204, 85309

March 11, 2016 

LAST DAY TO REQUEST CONSOLIDATION OF ELECTION WITH PRIMARY ELECTION: Resolution requesting consolidation with Presidential Primary Election must be filed no later than this date. This includes resolutions to place local measures on the Presidential Primary Election ballot§ 10403

March 11, 2016 

DEADLINE FOR FILING SUPPLEMENTAL SIGNATURES-IN-LIEU OF FILING FEE PETITIONS: Last day to file with the Registrar of Voters’ office supplemental signatures or pay a prorated portion of the Filing Fee to cover any deficiency in the Filing Fee payment. § 8106(b)(3)

March 11, 2016 

DEADLINE TO FILE NOMINATION PAPERS, DECLARATIONS OF CANDIDACY, BALLOT DESIGNATION WORKSHEETS, AND CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS: Last day to circulate and to file nomination documents, Ballot Designation Worksheets, and a Candidate’s Statement with the Registrar of Voters’ office. §§ 333, 8020, 8040, 8041, 8061-8064, 8100, 8105, 8106, 13107.5, 13307

IMPORTANT -- CANDIDATE'S WITHDRAWAL:  No candidate who has filed a Declaration of Candidacy may withdraw as a candidate. § 8800

March 11, 2016

CANDIDATE INTENTION STATEMENT -- DEADLINE IF PURCHASING SPACE FOR CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT IN THE COUNTY SAMPLE BALLOT PAMPHLET: Last day for the Candidate Intention Statement (Form 501) to be filed in order for State Senate and State Assembly candidates accepting the voluntary expenditure limits to qualify to purchase space for a 250-word Candidate's Statement in the voter information portion of the County Sample Ballot Pamphlet. §§ 85200, 85400, 85401, 85600, 85601

March 11, 2016

STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS:  Last day for specified candidates in an election to file a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700) disclosing their investments, interests in real property, and any income received during the immediately preceding 12 months.  Gov't §§ 87200-87203, 87500

March 12, 20165 
March 16, 2016 
(E-87 – 83)

EXTENSION OF NOMINATION PERIOD IF INCUMBENT FAILS TO FILE -- VOTER-NOMINATED, NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: If an incumbent for voter-nominated offices – Member of United States Senate, Representative in Congress, Member of the State Senate, and Member of the State Assembly – who is eligible for re-election fails to file his/her nomination documents by March 11, 2016, there is a 5-day extension allowed for any qualified person other than the incumbent to file for such office. However, no 5-day extension occurs if the incumbent’s failure to file is because he/she has already served the maximum number of terms permitted by the California Constitution for that office. § 8022, 8100, 8105

Notwithstanding Section 8020 or any other provision of the law, if nomination documents for an incumbent officer of a county are not delivered by 5:00 p.m. on the 88th day before the Presidential Primary Election, any person other than the person who was the incumbent on the 88th day shall have until 5:00 p.m. on the 83rd day before the election to file nomination documents for the elective office. 
§ 8024

If an incumbent Judge of the Superior Court files a Declaration of Intention, but fails to qualify for the nomination by March 11, 2016, there is a 5-day extension allowed for all qualified persons other than the incumbent to file for such office, notwithstanding that he/she has not filed a written and signed Declaration of Intention to become a candidate for the office. 

NOTE: There is no extension of the filing period for any office where there is no incumbent eligible to be elected.
§§ 8204, 10516, 10604

Whenever an election is consolidated with a regularly scheduled election and nomination documents are not filed by the close of business on the 88th day before the election, any person other than the person who was the incumbent on the 88th day, shall have until the close of business on the 83rd before the election to file nomination documents. This section is not applicable where there is no incumbent eligible to be elected. § 10407

March 12, 20165 
March 21, 2016 
(E-87 – 78)

PETITION INDICATING WRITE-IN CAMPAIGN WILL BE CONDUCTED FOR A JUDICIAL OFFICE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT: In any county in which only the incumbent has filed Nomination Papers for the office of Superior Court Judge, his/her name will not appear on the ballot unless there is filed with the Registrar of Voters’ office, within 10 days (March 12, 20165 through March 21, 2016, 5:00 p.m.) after the final date for filing Nomination Papers for the office, a petition indicating that a write-in campaign will be conducted for the office and signed by 100 registered voters qualified to vote with respect to the office. 

NOTE: If a non-incumbent candidate for the office of Superior Court Judge is the only candidate who filed Nomination Papers, his or her name will appear on the ballot§ 8203

March 12, 20165 
March 25, 2016
(E-87 – 74)

NOMINATION PERIOD EXTENSION -- DEATH OF A VOTER-NOMINATED, NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If a candidate has filed Nomination Papers for a voter-nominated, non-presidential office at the Presidential Primary Election, and that candidate dies after March 11, 2016 (E-88) and on or before March 16, 2016 (E-83), any qualified person may circulate and deliver nomination documents for the office to the Registrar of Voters’ office not later than 5:00 p.m. on March 25, 2016 (E-74)§ 8025

March 12, 20165 
March 31, 2016 
(E-87 – 68)

DEATH OF INCUMBENT CANDIDATE – NONPARTISAN, NON-JUDICIAL OFFICE; NOMINATION PERIOD REOPENS: The period for filing Nomination Papers for a non partisan office shall be reopened in an election where the incumbent who is a candidate for a nonpartisan office where only one other candidate has filed, excluding any write-in candidates, has qualified and either the challenger or incumbent dies after March 11, 2016 (E-88), but before March 31, 2016 (E-68). Any qualified person may deliver nomination documents for the office to the Registrar of Voters no later than March 31, 2016 (E-68). § 8027

March 12, 2016
March 21, 2016
(E-87 – 78)

PUBLIC REVIEW FOR CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS AND BALLOT DESIGNATIONS: During this period, Candidates’ Statements and Ballot Designations will be available for public examination. These Candidates’ Statements and Ballot Designations will be available at the Registrar of Voters’ office on Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will be posted on the Registrar of Voters’ website. During this timeframe, any person may file a writ of mandate or an injunction to require any or all of the material in a Candidate's Statement to be amended or deleted. For
candidate names and ballot designations, a writ may also be filed. §§ 13313, 13314

NOTE: If the nomination period is extended for a particular office, the examination period for that office shall be adjusted to March 17, 2016 through March 26, 20163

March 16, 2016 

ONLY ONE NOMINEE – COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: If by 5:00 p.m. on March 16, 2016, only one person has been nominated for each trustee area for County Board of Education, or no one has been nominated for the offices, and a petition signed by 10% of the voters or 50 voters, whichever is the smaller number, in the district or trustee area, if elected by trustee area, requesting that an election be held has not been presented to the Registrar of Voters, appointment will be made in lieu of election.
Ed. §§ 5326, 5328

March 16, 2016 



NOMINATION PERIOD EXTENSION DEADLINE -- VOTER-NOMINATED, NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: Las day for any person, other than an eligible incumbent who did not qualify for nomination by March 11, 2016, 5:00 p.m., to file nomination documents.  § 8022

March 16, 2016 

POLITICAL PARTY ENDORSEMENTS: Last day for a State Chair of a qualified political party to submit to the county elections official a list of all candidates for voter-nominated office who will appear on any ballot in the county in question, and who have been endorsed by the party. The county elections official shall print any such list that is timely received in the official sample ballot. § 13302(b)

March 16, 2016 



DEADLINE TO AMEND OR WITHDRAW A MEASURE: Last day for the county elections official to receive a resolution from a legislative body requesting to withdraw or amend a measure previously submitted for placement on the ballot. § 9605

March 17, 2016 
(11:00 a.m.) 
(Secretary of State & Registrar of Voters)

RANDOMIZED ALPHABET DRAWING: On this day, the Secretary of State shall conduct a drawing of the letters of the alphabet, the result of which shall be known as the randomized alphabet, to determine the order in which candidates appear on the Presidential Primary Election ballot. The Registrar of Voters shall also conduct a drawing of the letters of the alphabet to determine the ballot order for candidates for State legislative offices when the district includes more than one county.
§§ 13111(i), 13112(b)(1)(B)

March 17, 2016 
March 25, 20163 
(E-82 – 74)

PUBLIC REVIEW FOR CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS AND BALLOT DESIGNATIONS IF NOMINATION PERIOD HAS BEEN EXTENDED: Public review period for Candidates’ Statements of Qualifications and Ballot Designations filed during the extended filing period.  These documents will be available at the Registrar of Voters' office on  Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will be posted on the Registrar of Voters' website. During this timeframe, any person may file a writ of mandate or an injunction to require any or all of the material in a Candidate's Statement to be amended or deleted.

March 21, 2016 



PETITION TO CONDUCT WRITE-IN CAMPAIGN (JUDICIAL OFFICES): Last day to file petitions containing signatures to place a judicial office contest on the ballot when only the incumbent has filed for that office. § 8203

March 25, 2016

PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PAPERS -- UNSELECTED CANDIDATES -- REPUBLICAN AND GREEN PARTIES: Last day for unselected candidates to leave Nomination Papers for examination with the county elections official of the county in which they are circulated.  There are no provisions for an uncommitted delegation. For the Green Party, upon receipt of a sufficient number of signatures for the nomination of a candidate for the presidential preference primary ballot, the Secretary of State shall notify the candidate or his or her duly authorized representative of that fact.  §§ 6343, 6360-6365, 6382, 6853.5, 6854-68576, 68606

March 25, 2016

PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PAPERS -- AMERICAN INDEPENDENT, LIBERTARIAN, AND PEACE AND FREEDOM PARTIES: Last day to leave Nomination Papers for examination with the county elections official of the county in which they are circulated.  This applies to the nomination of a candidate for the presidential preference portion of the primary ballot, to the nomination of a slate of delegates pledged to the candidacy of a particular candidate, and to the nomination of a slate of delegates not expressing a preference for a particular candidate. §§ 6568, 6580-6587, 6591, 6769-6791

For the American Independent Party, upon receipt of a sufficient number of signatures for the nomination of a candidate for the presidential preference primary ballot or of a group of candidates for delegates, the Secretary of Stat shall notify the candidate or the chairperson of the committee, respectively, of that fact and that no more signatures will be received. § 6599

March 25, 2016

NOMINATION PERIOD EXTENSION -- DEATH OF A VOTER-NOMINATED, NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  By 5:00 p.m. on this day, any qualified person can deliver to the county elections official his or her nomination documents for an voter-nominated, non-presidential office for which a candidate had filed but who died after March 11, 2016 but on or before March 16, 2016. § 8025

March 26, 20165

PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PAPERS -- UNSELECTED CANDIDATES OR UNCOMMITTED DELEGATION -- DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Last day for the steering committee of each unselected presidential candidate or uncommitted delegation to leave Nomination Papers for examination with the county elections official of the county in which they are circulated. §§ 6061, 6082, 6101, 6108, 6122

Upon receipt of a sufficient number of signatures for the Presidential Primary Election ballot, the Secretary of State shall notify the chairperson of the steering committee of that fact and advise him or her than no more signatures will be received. § 6103

March 31, 20161
(12:02 a.m)

DEATH OF A CANDIDATE FOR A NONPARTISAN OFFICE ON OR AFTER MARCH 31, 2016: If an incumbent is a candidate for a nonpartisan office and only or other candidate, excluding write-in candidates, has qualified to have his or her name placed on the ballot for that office, and either the challenger or the incumbent dies after the hour of 12:01 a.m. on March 31, 2016, an election shall not be conducted, no votes cast for that office shall be counted, and if counted the votes shall be null and void. § 8026

March 31, 20161 

CERTIFIED LIST OF CANDIDATES AND ROTATION LIST: The last day for the Secretary of State to prepare and send to the Registrar of Voters a certified list of candidates arranged according to the randomized alphabet drawn on March 17, 2016 . This list will show the name of every person eligible to receive votes within the county at the Presidential Primary Election, their addresses, their Ballot Designations, and the offices for which each person is a candidate. With respect to candidates for voter-nominated offices, the party preference designation indicated on his/her Declaration of Candidacy shall be listed. §§ 8120, 8121, 8122, 8123, 8124, 8125, 13111

March 31, 20161

DEATH OF CANDIDATE: Last day for Registrar of Voters to remove deceased candidate’s name from the Presidential Primary Election ballot. § 8809

April 8, 2016 

MILITARY OR OVERSEAS VOTERS' BALLOT APPLICATIONS: The first day the county elections official may process applications for military or overseas voters’ ballots. Any applications received by the county elections official prior to this day shall be kept and processed on or after this date. If the applicant is not a resident of the county to which he or she has applied, the elections official receiving the application shall forward it immediately to the proper county. 

NOTE: A request for a vote-by mail ballot from a military or overseas voter will be deemed an affidavit of registration and an application for permanent vote-by-mail status.
§§ 300(b), 3101, 3102, 3103, 3105

April 8, 2016 
June 7, 2016 
(E-60 – 0)

LIST OF VOTE-BY-MAIL VOTERS: First day CDs are available for purchase indicating all voters who have been issued a military or overseas vote-by-mail ballot. After May 9, 2016, all permanent vote-by-mail voters who have been issued a vote-by-mail ballot will be available on CD.

April 11, 2016 
May 24, 2016 
(E-57 – 14)

WRITE-IN CANDIDATES (NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES): First day Statement of Write-in Candidacy and Nomination Papers are available for a write-in candidate. They must be filed with the Registrar of Voters’ office by May 24, 2016, 5:00 p.m. A person seeking a voter-nominated office may become a write-in candidate only for the Presidential Primary Election; there are no write-in candidates for voter-nominated offices on the General Election ballot. § 8601

April 23, 20164 
(Date fixed by law)



MILITARY OR OVERSEAS VOTERS - BALLOTS: Last day for the county elections official to transmit ballots to military and overseas voters who have requested them by this date.  If a military or overseas voter ballot application is received after this date, the county elections official shall transmit a ballot and ballot materials as soon as practicable. § 3114, 52 U.S.C
§ 20302 (MOVE Act)

April 28, 2016 
May 28, 2016
(E-40 – 10)

STATE AND COUNTY MAILINGS: Between these dates, State Voter Information Guides will be mailed directly to voters by the Secretary of State (April 28th through May 17th) and the Registrar of Voters will mail County Sample Ballot Pamphlets (April 28th through May 28th).
§§ 9094(a), 13300, 13304

April 28, 2016
FIRST PRE-ELECTION STATEMENT:  Last day to file campaign statements for candidates and committees for the period ending April 23, 2016. § 84200.87

May 9, 2016
May 31, 2016
(E-29 -- 7)

VOTE-BY-MAIL VOTING:  Applications for vote-by-mail ballots available during this period from the Registrar of Voters' office. §§ 3001, 3003, 3006, 3010, 3206

May 9, 2016
June 7, 2016
(E-29 -- 0)

VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS FOR OUT-OF-STATE EMERGENCY WORKERS:  Period within which, upon the declaration of an out-of-state emergency by the Governor and the issuance of an executive order authorizing an out-of-state emergency worker to cast a ballot outside of his or her home precinct, an out-of-state emergency worker may request and vote a vote-by-mail ballot, which must be returned in the same manner as alll other voted vote-by-mail ballots. §§ 336.7, 3021.5

May 17, 2016

PRESIDENTIAL WRITE-IN CANDIDATES DEADLINE: Last day for write-in presidential candidates of all parties to file declarations with the Secretary of State in order to have write-in votes counted. No filing fee is required. §§ 6241, 6441, 6621, 6822, 68626

May 23, 2016



LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION: Last day to register to vote in the Presidential Primary Election. The Voter Registtration Form shall be mailed (postmarked by this date) or delivered to the county elections official by this date and is effective upon receipt. The Voter Registration Form may also be submitted by this date to the Secretary of State, Department of Motor Vehicles or any National Voter Registration Act designated agency. Last day for military or overseas voters to register to vote, to request a vote-by-mail ballot, and to send it to the county elections official

NOTE: A request for a vote-by-mail ballot from a military or overseas voter, if postmarked on or before this date, will be deemed an affidavit of registration and a application for permanent vote-by-mail status. When a county elections official receives and approves a registration application from a military or overseas voter, the official must provide that voter with a vote-by-mail ballot for each subsequent election for federal office in the state unless the voter fails to vote in four consecutive statewide general elections.
52 U.S.C §§ 20301, 300(b), 321, 2102, 2107, 3102

May 23, 2016



VOTE-BY-MAIL BOARDS COMMENCE TO PROCESS VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOTS: Processing of vote-by-mail ballots may begin on the tenth business day prior to the election. Processing vote-by-mail ballots includes opening vote-by-mail ballot return envelopes, removing ballots from envelopes, duplicating any damaged ballots, and preparing ballots to be machine read. But, under no circumstances may a vote count be accessed or released until 8:00 p.m. on the day of the election. § 15101

May 24, 2016

DEADLINE FOR WRITE-IN CANDIDATES TO FILE (NON-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES): Last day for write-in candidate to file Statement of Write-in Candidacy and Nomination Papers by 5:00 p.m. with the Registrar of Voters' office. § 8601

May 24, 2016 
June 7, 2016 
(E-14 – 0)

NEW CITIZEN REGISTRATION PERIOD: A new citizen is eligible to register and vote at the office of, or at another location designated by, the county elections official at any time beginning on May 24, 2016 and ending at the close of polls on June 7, 2016. §§ 331, 3500

A new citizen registering to vote after the close of registration shall provide the county elections official with proof of citizenship prior to voting and shall declare that he or she has established residency in California. § 3501

The ballots of new citizens shall be received and canvassed at the same time and under the same procedure as vote-by-mail voter ballots. § 3502

May 24, 2016 
May 31, 2016 
(E-14 – 7)



NEW RESIDENT REGISTRATION PERIOD: Any person who becomes a new resident after May 23, 2016 (E-15) may register to vote beginning on May 24, 2016 (E-14) and ending May 31, 2016 (E-7)This registration must be executed in the county elections office and the new resident shall vote a new resident's ballot in that office. A new resident is eligible to vote only for president and vice president.  §§ 332, 3400, 3405

May 26, 2016 

SECOND PRE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS DUE: The last day to file campaign disclosure statements for candidates and committees covering the period ending May 21, 2016.
Gov’t §§ 84200.5, 84200.7, 84200.87

May 27, 2016 



CERTIFIED LIST OF WRITE-IN CANDIDATES: The last day for the Secretary of State to prepare and send to the Registrar of Voters a certified list of write-in candidates. Date set by the Secretary of State. § 8601

May 28, 20163 STATE VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENTAL MAILING BY COUNTY -- DEADLINE:  On or before this date, the Registrar of Voters will mail State Voter Information Guides to voters who registered between Saturday, April 9, 2016 and May 9, 2016, inclusive. § 9094(c)

May 31, 2016

VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION DEADLINE: Last day for the county elections official to receive any voter's application for a vote-by-mail ballot, including an application from a military or overseas voter, and to issue such ballot for the Presidential Primary Election. §§ 3001, 3003, 3102

June 1, 2016 
June 6, 2016
(E-6 – 1)

MILITARY OR OVERSEAS VOTER - RECALLED TO MILITARY SERVICE: A registered military or overseas voter recalled to service after May 31, 2016, but before
5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2016, may appear before the county elections official in the county in which the military or overseas voter is registered or, if within the state, in the county in which he or she is recalled to service and apply for a vote-by-mail ballot which may be transmitted by the voter by facsimile, or by email or online transmission if the elections official makes the transmission option available.

The vote-by-mail ballot may be voted in or outside the elections official’s office on or before the close of the polls on Election Day, June 7, 2016, 8:00 p.m., and returned in the same manner as other vote-by-mail ballots. To be counted, the ballot must be returned to the elections official’s office in person, by facsimile transmission, or by an authorized person on or before the close of the polls on Election Day.

IMPORTANT: A mailed, voted ballot will count only if the identification envelope is signed and dated no later than Election Day, June 7, 2016, and it is received no later than three (3) days after Election Day, June 10, 2016,
8:00 p.m.

If the military or overseas voter appears in the county in which he or she is recalled to service, rather than the county to which he or she is registered, the elections official shall coordinate with the elections official in the county in which the military or overseas voter is registered to provide the vote-by-mail ballot that contains the appropriate measures and races for the precinct in which the special absentee voter is registered. § 3110, 3111

June 1, 2016 
June 7, 2016
(E-6 – 0)



VOTE-BY-MAIL - LATE CONDITIONS: During this period, vote-by-mail ballots are available when conditions prevent voting at the polling place. Written application signed under penalty of perjury is required unless the vote-by-mail voter's ballot is voted in the office of the elections official.  The voter may designate any authorized representative to return the voted vote-by-mail ballot. § 3021

June 7, 2016

ELECTION DAY: Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ballots will be centrally counted at the Registrar of Voters’ office. §§ 1000, 14212

Voters who have moved from one address to another within the same county and who have not re-registered may vote a provisional ballot at the polling place for their current (new) address, at the office of the county elections official, or at a central location designated by the county elections official. §14311

June 7, 2016 

VOTE-BY-MAIL VOTER BALLOTS RETURNED (NOT BY MAIL): The deadline for the Registrar of Voters to receive vote-by-mail ballots delivered or faxed to the Registrar of Voters' office or delivered to any Orange County polling place (not mailed) is  June 7, 2016, 8:00 p.m.  If a vote-by-mail voter is unable to return the ballot in person, he/she may designate his/her spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, or a person residing in the same household to return the ballot. See June 10, 2016 for information on returning mailed vote-by-mail ballots. §§ 3012, 3017, 14212

Last day a military or overseas voter who is living outside of the United States (or is called for military service within the United States on or after May 31, 2016, may return his/her ballot by facsimile transmission. To be counted the ballot returned by facsimile transmission must be received by the elections official no later than Election Day, 8:00 p.m. and must be accompanied by an identification envelope and a signed waiver of a right to a secret ballot.
§§ 3012, 3101(e), 3106, 3118, 14212

June 7, 2016

SEMI-OFFICIAL CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS: Beginning at 8:00 p.m. and continuously until completed, the Registrar of Voters shall conduct the semi-official canvass of votes and report totals to the Secretary of State at least every two hours. §§ 15150, 15151

June 7, 2016

MILITARY OR OVERSEAS VOTERS -- LATE CONDITIONS: Any registered military or overseas voter who has returned to their county of registration on or before this day, and to whom a vote-by-mail ballot has been mailed but not voted, may apply for a second vote-by-mail ballot. The elections official shall require him or her to sign an authorization to cancel the vote-by-mail ballot previously issued, and shall then issue another vote-by-mail ballot to the voter or certify to the precinct board that the voter is eligible to vote in the precinct polling place of his or her resident. § 3109

An unregistered special military or overseas voter who was released from service after the close of registration, May 23, 2016, and who has returned to his or her county of residence may apply in person to register with the county elections official and vote in the election. Documentary proof of release from service is required. On or before the day of the election, the county elections official shall deliver to the precinct board a list of special absentee voters registered under Elections Code section 3108. 
§§ 300(b), 321, 3108

A military or overseas voter who returns to the county after May 31, 2016 may appear before the county elections official and apply for registration, a vote-by-mail ballot, or both. The county elections official shall register the voter, if not registered, and shall deliver a vote-by-mail ballot which may be voted in, or outside, the county elections official’s office on or before the close of the polls on the day of the election and returned as are other voted vote-by-mail ballots. § 3110

June 7, 2016 



VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS FOR OUT-OF-STATE EMERGENCY WORKERS: Last day upon the declaration of an out-of-state emergency by the Governor and the issuance of an executive order authorizing an out-of-state emergency worker to cast a ballot outside of his or her home precinct, an out-or-state emergency worker may request and vote a vote-by-mail ballot, which must be delivered to the elections official as other voted vote-by-mail ballots. §§ 336.7, 3021.5

June 8, 2016
July 7, 2016
(E+1 -- +30)

COMMENCE OFFICIAL CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS: The Registrar of Voters will begin the official canvass of the precinct returns.  This canvass must be completed no later than July 7, 2016.
§§ 15301, 15372

June 8, 2016 through June 21, 2016
(E+1 - E+14))



AMENDED CANDIDATE INTENTION STATEMENT: If the voluntary expenditure ceiling is rejected in the Primary Election, but not exceeded during that election, the Candidate Statement of Intention (Form 501) may be amended to accept the expenditure ceiling for the General Election. The amended Form 501 must be filed within 14 days following the Primary Election. Gov't §§ 85200, 85401

June 10, 2016





DEADLINE TO RECEIVED MAILED, VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOTS: Any mailed, vote-by-mailed shall be deemed timely if it is received by the elections official via the United States Postal Service or a bona fide private mail delivery company no later than three days after Election Day and either of the following is satisfied:

(1) The signed, identification envelope is postmarked on or before Election Day or is time stamped or date stamped by a bona fide private mail delivery company on or before Election Day: or

(2) if the identification envelope has no postmark, has a postmark with no date, or has a illegible postmark, but is signed and dated by the voter on or before Election Day, the ballot identification envelope is date stamped by the elections official upon receipt of he ballot from the United States postal Service or a bona fide mail delivery company. §§ 3017, 3020, 4103

Remember: All vote-by-mail identification envelopes must be signed.

June 15, 2016

VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOTS -- UNSIGNED IDENTIFICATION ENVELOPE:  Last day for a voter who did not sign the vote-by-mail ballot identification envelope to either sign the identification envelope at the office of the county elections official or complete and submit an "unsigned ballot statement." § 30196

June 17, 2016

PROVISIONAL BALLOTS OF EMERGENCY WORKERS: On or before June 17, 2016, if the Governor declares a State of Emergency, a provisional ballot cast by an emergency worker outside of his or her home precinct must be received by the county elections official where the voter is registered. The elections official shall transmit for processing any ballot cast no later than the close of polls on Election Day by an emergency worker in a declared state of emergency, including any materials necessary to process the ballot, to the elections official in the county where the voter is registered to vote. § 14313

June 22, 2016



POST-ELECTION FILING FOR COUNTY OFFICE CANDIDATES: Last day to file post-filing campaign disclosure statements for all county candidates and committees for the period through June 22, 2016

July 7, 2016 

COMPLETE CANVASS OF OFFICIAL RETURNS AND CERTIFY RESULTS BY THIS DATE: No later than this date, the county elections official must complete the canvas, certify its results, and submit it to the Board of Supervisors. § 15372

This is also the suggested deadline for the Board of Supervisors to declare the winners for each office and the results of each measure under its jurisdiction. § 15400

July 7, 2016 

CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION: Approximately on this date, the elections official shall make and deliver to each person elected or nominated, a certificate of election or nomination, signed by the elections official. § 15401

July 8, 2016 



STATEMENT OF RESULTS TO SECRETARY OF STATE: By this date, the county elections official shall send to the Secretary of State, in an electronic format, one complete copy of the returns for all candidates voted for at the Primary Election, including Member of the United States Senate, Member of the United States House of Representatives, Member of the State Senate, Member of the State Assembly, and for all statewide ballot measures, if applicable. §§ 15374, 15375


July 31, 20161
(Date fixed by law) 

SEMI-ANNUAL CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS DUE : Last day to file semi-annual campaign disclosure statements for all candidates and committees for the period through June 30, 2016. Gov’t §§ 84200, 84218

NOTE: Candidates for federal office should contact the Federal Elections Commission at the address or toll-free telephone number below to obtain information regarding campaign disclosure filing requirements and the forms on which to file.

                 Federal Elections Commission 
                 999 E Street N.W. 
                 Washington , D.C. 20463 
                 Phone 800-424-9530 
                 [email protected]


1If date falls on a Sunday or holiday, use the next business day.

2The party's Central Committee must have authorized the contest to be placed on the ballot.

3Per § 15:  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the last day for the performance of any act provided for or required by this code shall be a holiday, the act may be performed upon the next business day.  Gov't Code § 6700 states:  Saturdays are holidays only after 12:00 p.m.  The express language of Elections Code § 15 refers to the "last day", meaning the whole day must be a holiday in order for the extension to apply.  Since the deadline is a Saturday, March 26,2016 -- a half-day -- it is not considered a holiday.  Therefore, there is no extension of time to the following Monday.  The extended filing period deadline must be Friday, March 25, 2016,
5:00 p.m.

4§ 3114 and the federal MOVE Act require that ballots be sent to military and overseas voters not later than 45 days prior to an election.  This date must be adhered to and does not move forward even though the date falls on a weekend.

5If date falls on a weekend or holiday, use the next business day.

6Assembly Bill (AB) 477 (Mullin), Chapter 726, Statutes of 2015, adds provisions to the Elections Code for Green Party presidential and county council elections and allows a voter to submit an "unsigned ballot statement" to county elections officials if the voter's vote-by-mail ballot identification envelope was unsigned.  AB 477 will become effective January 1, 2016.

7Assembly Bill (AB) 594 (Gordon), Chapter 364, Statutes of 2015, makes changes to the Political Reform Act of 1973.  AB 594 will become effective January 1, 2016.