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Registrar of Voters Message to Orange County Voters: If Possible Don’t Wait to Vote

Registrar of Voters Message to Orange County Voters: If Possible Don’t Wait to Vote

This election voting is different – Vote Centers are open for 11-days – avoid Election Day congestion by voting in advance of March 3rd.

SANTA ANA, CA – The Registrar of Voters is urging Orange County’s voters to not wait until March 3rd to vote. This election voting is different - new options allow voters to vote in-person over an 11-day window. Vote Centers are open now through March 3, 2020 – for locations and hours visit ocvote.gov/votecenter.

With Orange County’s transition to Vote Centers, each site serves as a fully functioning voting location that mirrors a traditional Election Day. This means that every ballot cast during the 11-day in-person option is processed and counted the same way.

Voters can also choose to use the ballot that was mailed to them and vote at home. Vote-by-mail returns to date have been very strong. When compared to the same period in 2012 there is a 70% increase (140,745 versus 239,708) and when compared to 2016 there is a 33% increase (179,993 versus 239,708). For a full list of ballot return options visit ocvote.gov/mail.

By voting in advance of March 3rd voters will experience less wait times (or no wait times when voting at home) – there is no need to wait until Election Day to cast a ballot.


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미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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