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Ballot Returns Increasing Daily

Ballots continue to flood into our office - as of today we have received 49,241. We are also busy in our lobby as voters have been coming in to request a specific party ballot (many of them vote them in our office while they are here). We offer realtime updates of ballot deliveries in the Data Central portion of our website.

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
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Current Election NewsClick
Detailed analysis (with help from MIT) used to determine voting booth allocation for Election Day
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"No Party Preference" Voters and Training

As of today we have trained nearly 3,000 poll workers in advance of the June 7th Primary Election. Our training materials clearly communicate how NPP voters should be processed in the polling place. 86% of our poll workers indicate they feel "ready" for Election Day - the remainder will be able to attend one of our poll worker practice sessions.

New Supply Boxes for the 2016 Elections
New Supply Boxes for the 2016 Elections

As a part of our continual improvement we have redesigned our polling place supply box. These boxes contain all of the poll worker supplies needed for Election Day. New changes include a shorter box (to allow for easy storage in a vehicle), guide marks for ballot box sealing tape, a customized tray for organizing supplies and room to hold steel rods for vote signs.

New Cases for Electronic Voting Equipment
New Cases for Electronic Voting Equipment

Also new for 2016 are custom cases for our polling place voting booth controllers (also known as JBCs). These cases are sturdier and provide more support for the JBC. In addition, each case will contain a "luggage tag" that will identify who the device was assigned to, what polling place, address etc. This will allow for easier tracking and automated scanning.

We're Headed for the Doheny Blues Festival
We're Headed for the Doheny Blues Festival
Our voting outreach team will be at the Doheny Blues Festival tomorrow - outreaching to voters and recruiting poll workers. Attendees enjoy the Doheny Blues Festival layout, highlighted by three stages of alternating music, an international food court, an eclectic vendor village with 50+ unique booths, micro brew tasting, and our Kidz EcoFest with educational exhibits for the younger music fans. Stop by and say hello!


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