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Countdown to Final Public Hearing

We have completed nearly 40 public meetings throughout the summer related to our Vote Center transition. Shown in this photo is our 25-member advisory committee (Community Election Working Group), which met yesterday along with our subcommittees - we presented the final draft for our public hearing, which will be taking place on August 29th at 6:00 p.m. (at the Orange County Board of Education).

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
Headline image for Countdown to Final Public Hearing
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Thank you to the advocates and community members who attended today's EAP consultation meeting. Great feedback to inform our Vote Center planning! To learn more visit http://ocvote.com/votecenter . #voteoc2020 #protect2020 #ocvotecenters2020

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Site Selection Analysis Continues
Site Selection Analysis Continues

We continue to identify possible Vote Center locations. As we complete surveys and assess data we plot these potential locations on a countywide map, along with possible drop box locations. This allows us to utilize all of the critical selection data points to finalize our draft proposals.

Do You Know of a Good Drop Box Location?
Do You Know of a Good Drop Box Location?

We continue to analyze possible drop box locations throughout the County. The criteria for placement is strict, but we are open to suggestions from the community. If you know of a potential site let us know, we'll be happy to investigate the potential for each suggestion. Give us a call at 714-954-1901.

Ballot Drop Box Configurations
Ballot Drop Box Configurations

As we continue to work on our ballot drop box project, one of the key decisions is how to configure each drop box. Providing multiple locations for voters to deposit ballots is a key consideration (taking into account any obstacles during placement). We are also having each drop box keyed with unique keys, ensuring increased security.

Downloadable Vote Center Brochure
Downloadable Vote Center Brochure

In the coming weeks we will be offering our Vote Center brochure in a new downloadable format for single sheet printing. This will allow organizations to distribute the brochure among their members, while reducing the printing cost substantially. It will likely be a vertical brochure with panels - look for details coming soon.

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